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In today's issue we discuss the functional error handling In Flutter, the SOLID principles, drawing charts using fl_charts and testing apps using Patrol 1.0 - powerful Flutter UI testing framework.
Let's dive in:
Functional Error Handling In Flutter
Shaiq Khan's blog explores the concept of Functional Error Handling In Flutter. It discusses how to use either type from the fpdart package in order to determine both success and failure types as part of the function signature. Khan also explains the differences between Either and Result, as well as the tryCatch Factory Constructor.
Cupertino Flutter App — Part 1
Maneesha Erandi discusses the use of Cupertino widgets to create a better iOS native look for a Flutter app. These widgets include CupertinoTabScaffold, CupertinoTabBar, CupertinoTabView, BottomNavigationBarItem, CupertinoPageScaffold and CupertinoSliverNavigationBar. Erandi provides an example of how these widgets can be used in a demo application.
What the hack is SOLID? (part 1)
According to Ahsan Ali, the SOLID principles are important for software development as they facilitate good architecture and maintainability. The Single Responsibility Principle, for example, encourages developers to create classes with a single responsibility so that they are easier to maintain and harder to break. The Open Close Principle states that developers should be able to extend their code without changing existing functions. Utilizing abstraction and inheritance can make the code more readable and maintainable.
Understanding RouteObserver in Flutter
In this post, Sumit Ghosh explains how to listen to page transition events in Flutter using the RouteObserver. Through 5 simple steps, readers will learn how to provide an observer to MaterialApp, make a page "RouteAware", subscribe and unsubscribe the observer, and override the RouteObserver methods. Additionally, Ghosh provides a helpful side note about using didPopNext for refreshing UI.
Bring Data to Life in Your Flutter Apps With “fl_charts”
Erdi Izgi's article, "Flutter Charts: A Guide to Visualizing Data in Your Flutter Apps", discusses the features of the fl_charts package and how it can be used to create dynamic, interactive charts in Flutter applications. He explains the importance of selecting the appropriate chart type for data and provides examples of line, bar, and pie charts using cryptocurrency data. He also talks about what information is necessary for a chart in a general context.
🤳 Effortless Sharing: From external apps to your Flutter app in no time
In this article, Sailesh Dahal demonstrates how to use the share_handler package in a multi-flavored Flutter application to facilitate content sharing from external apps. He outlines the steps necessary for both Android and iOS, including setting up intent filters and metadata, creating a share_targets.xml file, and registering a deep link.
Patrol 1.0 - Powerful Flutter UI Testing Framework
Patrol is a powerful, open-source UI testing framework for Flutter apps. It was created to overcome the limitations of existing Flutter testing tools and provides two major features: native automation and custom finders. It has been used in many projects across different business domains and solves integration testing in Flutter.
Flutter RawChip Widget
by Flutter Mapp
This Tutorial will show you how to use the RawChip with flutter. To learn more about every flutter widgets, you can check our flutter ...
Developing with Flutter put my Mac's system data at 220gb?
My Macbook Pro 2020 is 18 mos old and the only thing I've used it for is developing Flutter apps, mostly with Android Studio but also occasionally with VSCode. I do use it for related team work, like Slack and Teams.I just checked its available storage and its "system data" used is 240gb. I did the usual google for freeing up storage and ran a cleaning up, but that only freed up 20gb.In there a common culprit for consuming system data storage on a Mac when developing with Flutter? Something that would take up that much storage?I don't have any movies or photos on the Mac and don't use it for email. The only other thing I use it for is YouTube (mostly to watch Flutter tutorials, etc.)
FLUTTER How to get specific List inside List using where
I have data from API like this : { "data": { "1": [ { "id": 31, "customer_id": 2, "...
Flutter/Android Mobile APP Developer (FT) @ eatOS POS Inc. (Miami, FL)